Sunday, February 12, 2012

Things I Never Anticipated in 1964

1. Taking off our shoes, belt and jackets to board a plane
2. Trash pick-up reduced and replaced with recycling pick-ups
3. Gas that cost more than $3 per gallon
4. Gas mileage over 30 miles per gallon
5. Tiny cars that make a VW Beetle look big!
6. Bottled water
7. 600 e-mail messages every day
8. Networking
9. Metal detector scan to go in a government building
10. Stamps that cost more than $.40
11. Typing on something the size of deck of cards
12. People being arrested for typing while driving
13. Gizmos that convince you to take really bad roads
14. A way to watch TV programs later
15. Channel surfing
16. Telephones that sound like our favorite songs
17. Kids teaching grandparents how to do things
18. Skim milks that tastes good
19. Watermelon in January
20. Cameras without film
21. Blow dryers
22. Pillow Top Beds
23. Hotel beds in all white with loads of throw pillows
24. Plane trips with only peanuts to eat
25. Peanut butter being banned in schools
26. Digital clocks
27. Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors
28. Candles without flames
29. Water heaters without tanks
30. Countertops made out of granite
31. Solar panels
32. Ugly shoes being “OK” if your feet hurt
33. Money dispensing machines
34. Cafes where everybody is typing
35. Beds that inflate that you can’t also take in the pool
36. Spray on tan
37. Leaf blowers
38. Fax machines
39. 3-D printers
40. Dozens of yogurt choices
41. Public television as innovative
42. Ordinary people going on cruises
43. Suitcases on wheels
44. People writing “blogs”
45. Ice coming from the refrigerator door
46. Air popcorn
47. Organic foods
48. Sea salt grinders
49. Massages for “nice” people
50. APPS!

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